Working group

Energy and Environment

The Energy and Environment Working Group drives Living Lab initiatives to decarbonize, democratize, and enhance energy efficiency, aiming for zero emissions and pollution through co-designed solutions.

The Energy and Environment Working Group (E&E WG) has been established to initiate, develop, accelerate, support, communicate, synergise, and upscale Living lab initiatives for decarbonisation, efficiency, and democratisation of energy production and use (aiming at zero emissions), as well at preventing pollution in air, soil, and water by fostering the co-design of new products and services (aiming at zero pollution). We provide leadership that will embolden, sharpen and upscale local, regional, national, cross-border and international actions, tools, and realistic strategies, in order to: 

  • demonstrate the value of Living labs for the transition in energy, climate change, pollution and sustainability; 
  • contribute to the success of the transition for the people and the environment; 
  • help identify ways to increase ambition in CO2 reduction, both in terms of objectives and the implementation of effective means, at city, regional, and national levels; 
  • sustain benchmarking clubs of initiatives scattered across different countries; 
  • insert the Living labs in the societal, technological, and financial flows related to the issues linked to pollution and energy transition; 
  • be the interlocutor of international key actors, such as the EU, the UNFCCC, the IPCC, and the UN, both participating in key events and by joining participatory processes, to present there how and where ENoLL is contributing through its work. 

The Energy and Environment Working Group sets out to achieve a meaningful contribution in the current state of initiatives related to zero pollution and energy transition, which are marked by the need to accelerate and involve citizens in devising, supporting, and taking action. 

Leader of the Working Group


Working Group Participants

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