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Virtual Health and Wellbeing Living Lab Infrastructure

VITALISE opened Living Labs as Research Infrastructures to facilitate and promote research activities in the Health and Wellbeing domain in Europe and beyond by enabling in-person Transnational Access to 17 Living Lab research infrastructures and by supporting remote digital access to datasets (Virtual Access) of rehabilitation, transitional care, and everyday life activities through harmonized processes and common tools.

The VITALISE project promoted the recognition of Living Labs as Research Infrastructures for the Social Sciences and Humanities within the framework of Horizon Europe. VITALISE introduced Living Labs as Research Infrastructures and Living Lab services as resources in the EOSC catalogue.

VITALISE’s main objective was to harmonize access to Living Labs Research Infrastructures for researchers and to contribute to the European Research Area. Vitalise achieved its goals by:

  • Facilitating convenient access to research infrastructures for researchers in the Health and Wellbeing domain.
  • Enabling direct engagement of individuals to validate hypotheses, co-design solutions and services, evaluate feasibility and effectiveness, and participate in the translation and mobilization of outcomes.

Providing exposure to experiences from multidisciplinary domains such as healthcare management, assistive technologies, and data science to effectively address the complexity of Health and Wellbeing research.

ENoLL coordinated the project with the aim of creating a large thematic Living Lab ecosystem of virtually interconnected research infrastructures in the Health and Wellbeing domain, which would be made available to a wider research community.

ENoLL was also in charge of implementing a Harmonization Framework for Health and Wellbeing Living Labs that would be self-sustainable beyond the project lifecycle and provide a wider, simplified, and more efficient access to Living Lab Infrastructures.

In addition, ENoLL led WP4 related to Capacity Building and Training. This work package emphasized the development of knowledge materials to aid researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts in understanding and applying the principles of Living Labs.

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