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Support Structure for Soil Living Labs

SOILL – lead by ENoLL – is a Framework Partnership funded under the Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe that will set up and run a one-stop-shop structure to coordinate, support, expand, and promote a network of 100 Soil Mission Living Labs and Lighthouses. Through this structure, SOILL will ensure co-created, user-centered, harmonized, reliable, impactful, replicable, and sustainable lead of the transition towards healthy soils across different settings, geographical and socio-economic contexts.

The SOILL partnership is formed of 47 partners from 18 countries, bringing together a broad spectrum of expertise and stakeholders crucial to the Mission. These partners include European and international umbrella organizations, ENoLL-certified Living Labs, academic and research institutions, multi-actor organizations, governmental bodies, funding agencies, companies, SMEs, and NGOs.

SOILL will operate throughout the entire duration of the Soil Mission, implementing various specific projects, the first one being SOILL-Startup. To facilitate this, the SOILL action plan has been designed to be agile and ready to adapt to the specific needs and requirements of Living Labs and Lighthouses (applicant and established) as well of the different actors relevant in the different ecosystems and value chains. 

Through its actions, SOILL will support the production, exchange, and integration of knowledge to be transformed into specific and specialised skills for expanding practice, social capital, and policies. SOILL will help Mission Living Labs and Lighthouses, applicants, and entire soil health community in building peer-to-peer relationships to ensure that best practices, guidance, knowledge, and lessons learnt are meaningfully shared and that they can learn from each other and scale up implementation of innovative approaches. Alongside, SOILL will start, facilitate, and coordinate the interaction of the network in the wider framework of the soil-related ecosystems, engaging all relevant stakeholders at national, European, and international level.

As Coordinator, ENoLL has brought together this diverse international partnership and will manage it throughout the duration of the Mission.
ENoLL is responsible for ensuring the high-quality, effective, and efficient implementation of all actions while maintaining fairness and transparency. To support this, particular attention will be given to avoiding conflicts of interest, ensuring that all Living Labs, Lighthouses, and applicants receive efficient and equal support.

ENoLL will guide the development of Living Labs using a specific monitoring and assessment framework derived from its key principles and certification criteria, promoting growth in alignment with the global Living Lab community, while tailored to the specific Mission Soil criteria to ensure alignment with the Mission Soil objectives.

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