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Gendered Innovation Living Labs

Coordinated by ENoLL, the GILL project develops a pan-European collaboration and learning hub based on the Living Lab principles to become the open innovation framework for all European actors involved in open gendered innovation. GILL co-creates sustainable mechanisms to increase gender responsive smart innovation and entrepreneurship (GRSIE) by fixing practices and culture across the European ecosystems.

The project is implemented through an iterative co-creation approach structured on a four-phases cycle – understand, co-design, implement, evaluate – repeated twice to incorporate the feedback and evaluation results in fine-tuned and validated results. In the context of GILL, 15 Action-Oriented Experimentations operating in 8 European countries are developing new approaches to GRSIE, test, evaluate the changes, and thereby validate GILL’s outputs in real-life open ecosystems.

Through this cycle, GILL delivers a systemic review of barriers to GRSIE leading to the co-design of proven methodologies, services, and tools for GRSIE to be made available on a sustainable and easy-to-use platform. 

In line with the LL methodology, co-creation and open innovation are fostered among the main actors of the Quadruple Helix model – citizens, government, industry, and academia – who are being engaged all along the project through different participatory activities.

ENoLL is the Project Coordinator of GILL, ensuring high-quality performance and outputs delivery. Alongside, ENoLL actions are aimed to ensure compliance to the Living Lab methods, working alongside three ENoLL members: Coventry Living Lab, ThessAHALL, and ARIES Transilvania. In this context, ENoLL leads the Capacity Building activities for both partners and external actors.

As Coordinator, ENoLL is also leading engagement actions with sister and relevant projects and is the main contributor to the policy actions of the project.

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