About Us

The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) is the international, non-profit, independent association of certified Living Labs.

Active Members
We currently have 23 Effective Members, 129 Adherent Members, 7 Accepted to Grow and 4 Innovation Partner.
Our Members are spread across 37 countries, covering 5 continents.
People Trained
Through our Capacity Building programme, we have trained across time over 10.000 people all around the world.
ENoLL has been Partner in over 55 projects, covering diverse sectors and project roles.

The European Network of Living Labs iVZW (ENoLL) is the international, non-profit, independent association of certified Living Labs. Living Labs are real-life test and experimentation environments that foster co-creation and open innovation among the main actors of the Quadruple Helix Model, namely – Citizens, Government, Industry, Academia.

ENoLL focuses on facilitating knowledge exchange, joint actions, and project partnerships among its historically labelled +480 members, advocating for and promoting EU policies, promoting Living Labs and enabling their implementation worldwide.

Our Vision

To be the leading organization empowering the global development of living labs as enablers of impactful open innovation ecosystems where everyone can co-create and innovate via cross border & cross sectoral collaboration in an inclusive way.

Our Mission

To be an Ambassador of the values of co-creation and open innovation, to provide value to its members and external stakeholders by offering them opportunities to develop their capacities & knowledge in order to strengthen them in developing and scaling-up impactful innovative products & services and expanding their own value to their own stakeholders.


We create opportunities for all our members: effective, adherent and accepted to grow members, Living Labs and non-Living Labs supporting the creation of long-term worth and sustainability.
View our Activities


We develop the capacities of Living Labs by building an open knowledge exchange of methods, methodologies, tools, value creation via Living Labs by giving visibility to best practices, providing training & orchestrating in depth community building via Working Groups.
Explore our Capacity Building
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Youssef Yammine

Cluster Manager

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Youssef Yammine

Cluster Manager

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Youssef Yammine

Cluster Manager

How we work

The association is managed by an executive Board (the Council) comprising of at least three and maximum twenty-one members who are appointed with a simple majority by the General Assembly.

The General Assembly meets every year, under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the Executive Board. The role of ENoLL Office is to implement decisions passed by the General Assembly and run day-to-day operations of the network.

ENoLL as an Association is operationally ran based on its actual bylaws in place.

View Our Activity Report

The ENoLL Working Groups are the main entry point for hot topics where the ENoLL community is having a leading role.

ENoLL Working Groups

People of Enoll

Work with us

We’re looking for passionate, driven individuals to join the European Network of Living Labs! Be part of a dynamic team dedicated to advancing innovation and collaboration worldwide. Explore opportunities to make an impact in open innovation and sustainable development with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Living Labs are open innovation ecosystems in real-life environments based on a systematic user co-creation approach that integrates research and innovation activities in communities and/or multi-stakeholder environments, placing citizens and/or end-users at the centre of the innovation process.

The concept ‘Living Lab’ is used for the organisation that innovates according to these principles, but also refers to the innovation projects that follow these guidelines and also links with specific activities, methods and tools within these innovation projects. Therefore, a distinction can be made between a Living Lab organization, a Living Lab project and Living Lab activities, methods and tools (meso, miso, macro).

Living Labs as real-life test and experimentation environments, foster co-creation and open innovation among the main actors of the Quadruple Helix Model, namely:

  • Citizens,
  • Government,
  • Industry,
  • Academia.

While there had been “accidental mentions” of the term living lab before, the actual birth of the concept is ascribed to MIT’s Prof William (Bill) Mitchell, who used it to refer to a purpose-built lab where the routine activities and interactions of everyday home life can be observed, recorded for later analysis and experimentally manipulated, and where volunteer research participants individually live in, treating it as a temporary home. These labs had an initial focus on testing and adapting new technologies based on their fit with the daily home environment. In the MIT PlaceLab, a 1,000-square foot “living laboratory”, with all facilities of a regular home, users are observed, logged and tracked with all sorts of devices, allowing to record their habits, activities and routines. Strong importance is placed on the technical infrastructure allowing the data gathering.

The concept has evolved over the years and now one of they key elements of a living lab experiment or test is that users are studied or involved in their everyday habitats instead of recreating a natural context in a laboratory setting.

Read more about this in our publication: Introducing ENoLL and its Living Lab community.

The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) is the international federation of benchmarked Living Labs in Europe and worldwide. Founded in November 2006 under the auspices of the Finnish European Presidency, the network has grown in ‘waves’ up to this day.

Directly, as well as through its active members, ENoLL provides co-creation, user engagement, test and experimentation facilities targeting innovation in many different domains such as energy, media, mobility, healthcare, agrifood, etc. As such, ENoLL is well placed to act as a platform for best practice exchange, learning and support, and living lab international project development.

The ENoLL international non-profit association, as the legal representative entity of the network, is headquartered in Brussels, at the heart of Europe.

ENoLL counts today with 163 active members worldwide (500+ historically recognized Living Labs over 18 years), spread across 37 countries and 5 continents.

Public and private organisations from across the world actively committed to engaging and empowering users and citizens to take part in sustainable innovation processes are invited to apply for membership of the European Network of Living Labs

If you represent a Living Lab, private company, university, research department, regional authority or other government organisation, you may contact us for a discussion on how to join as a Living Lab Member or Living Lab Innovation Partner with the objective to become sustainably engaged in Living Lab development and operations.

There are four different memberships with ENoLL: Accepted to Grow member, Adherent member, Effective member and Innovation Partners.

Applications to become a member can be submitted any time. This process, dating back to 2006, has today resulted in more than 500 historically recognised ENoLL Living Labs.

By being a member you become part of an international community of Living Labs that cooperate on research tracks, projects, acquisition and more. You can meet and talk to organisations from all over Europe and beyond, and the network is there to ease the process of knowing each other and collaboration through communications, events, Working Groups etc.

Applications for membership can be submitted by any legal entity from any country in the world that is or hosts (on a behalf of a partnership) a Living Lab. This organisation will have to prove its capacity to operate as a Living Lab and/or act as an innovation service provider through the living lab methodology and/or develop its operations towards Living Labs. All proposals are assessed by a panel of experts selected from within the ENoLL community in a peer-led review process.

You can only become an Accepted to Grow or Adherent Member after applying via our evaluation process. It is not possible to apply for membership without participating in the evaluation process.

It is however possible to become an Innovation Partner at any point during the year. Please contact us on info@enoll.org if this is of interest to you.

For more information, please see our Labelling and Certification process.


If you want to become an Effective member or an Innovation Partner of ENoLL there is an annual membership fee. Introduced back in 2011 the annual membership fee is 5.000 €.

If your Living Lab is Accepted to Grow there is a 1 year membership fee of €600 (this includes the cost for re-evaluation at the end of that period)

If your Living Lab is accepted as an Adherent Member there is a 3 year membership fee of €2100. After 3 years a re-evaluation is mandatory, this cost is already included in the 3 year membership fee.

For more information see here.

Following the initial workshop on the European Network of Living Labs governance, which took place in Brussels in October 2007, one need emerged as the main result: an ENoLL Association should be founded, financed from membership fees, offering networking services and platforms for internal and external cooperation and policy making.

In February 2010 ENoLL became a legal entity by establishing an International Non-Profit Association under Belgian Law. The ENoLL aisbl  (in French) / ENoLL ivzw (in Dutch) is a horizontal organisation, whose mission has been to support the evolution and the wide uptake of the Living Lab paradigm throughout Europe and worldwide.

The association adopts an open structure, with a core of fee-paying members and partners supplemented by more informal networks of policy-makers and individual users/enthusiasts.

The Association comprises Effective, Adherent, Accepted to Grow and Innovation Partner members, but only effective members enjoy all the rights provided by the bylaws:

  • Effective members are organisations with corporate personality that represent a Living Lab duly selected according to the ENoLL selection process (“waves”), become part of the association and meet their obligations as defined in the ENoLL bylaws. The ENoLL Effective members make up the ENoLL General Assembly.
  • Adherent members are organisations that represent a Living Lab duly selected according to the ENoLL selection process. Adherent members have no voting rights but participate in the objectives and activities of the association. Their acceptance and resignation is approved by the ENoLL General Assembly.
  • Accepted to Grow members are organisations that represent a Living Lab, which was duly selected according to the ENoLL selection process. During this selection process, accepted to grow member applicants provide ENoLL with a motivated application as a Living Lab. If the organisation is not mature enough to be acknowledged as an Adherent member, but has a solid base to start from it will be Accepted to Grow. This means they will be mandatory linked to the capacity building program of ENoLL and they’ll be re-evaluated after 1 year.
  • Innovation Partners are organisations that are involved in the activities of the association, but are not selected as Living Labs according to the ENoLL selection process. They become part of the association under approval of the ENoLL General Assembly and meet their obligations as defined in the ENoLL bylaws.

The association is managed by a Council appointed by the General Assembly. Only the Effective members can vote at the General Assembly, while Innovation Partners and Adherent members can take part and be a candidate of the Council with certain restrictions.

The General Assembly has all powers allowing the realisation of the objects as well as of the activities of the association. All members are invited to attend the Assembly.

The ENoLL Secretariat is based in Brussels, Belgium and has offices (visiting address) at the Welkin & Meraki building at Avenue des Arts 6, 1210 Brussels.

OpenLivingLab Days is the annual summit of the worldwide Living Lab community, formally the ENoLL Summer School. The annual 3/4 day event includes interactive sessions, workshops, lively discussion panels with excursions and off-site visits with the aim of giving the participants a wider insight about models, theories and technologies related to Living Labs. Participants have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience from the leading experts on the subject and to network with other Living Lab enthusiasts.

The event is hosted annually in either August or September and always in collaboration with a host Living Lab from our network.

Digital Living Lab Days:

Due to the global pandemic the 2020 and 2021 editions were held digitally in the form of Digital Living Lab Days.

Attracting more than 400 participants, OpenLivingLab Days / Digital Living Lab Days attracts a wide audience from across the world which includes:

  • Living Lab Managers
  • Researchers
  • Open Innovation Experts
  • Policy Makers
  • Municipal & Government representatives
  • Experts in innovation in domains such as smart cities, health, open & big data, entrepreneurship, internationalisation etc.

We look forward to welcoming you at one of our upcoming events.

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